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A Huge Donation

Our first Associate course held on 2nd April 1995

Committee meeting 1st May

The group receives a donation of £10K from Ms Alison Laidlaw.

Ms Laidlaw has indicated to the Chair she would like to see EDAM do more for young riders and she suggests the Scotsman be invited to publish a feature on nominated youngsters with a view to obtaining EDAM sponsorship. Dealers are to be approached for nominations of any suitable candidates who would benefit from further training. The scheme was proposed to sponsor riders under the age of 21 through the IAM test and for their first year’s EDAM membership. In time and for various reasons; insurance costs and changes regarding age limits on learner riders, the age is raised to 25 to encompass a larger part of the market. It now currently stands at riders under the age of 29 in an effort to continue to pursue the wishes of Ms Laidlaw.

Presidents Trophy presented to the Group

This is a Quaich, presented to the Group by Jim Pryde, one of our earlier examiners. Jim has honoured us as group president since the Inaugural General Meeting as EDAM's 1st President. Committee suggests it be awarded annually to the member, full or associate, who has contributed most during the year to furthering the aims and objectives of the group. Jim agrees to the name of the trophy being The President’s Trophy. All members are invited to vote annually.

Tulliallan Police Training College

In the background, but nevertheless, just as important, Lothian and Borders Police.

I can recall one of the occasions on a visit to the college Jim had organised for us; we were taken onto the skid pan, in a saloon car fitted with bald tyres, three of us in a car with an instructor, two cars on the skid pan doing a figure of eight in opposite directions missing each other by inches. Exacting performance by the College’s finest drivers.

Our Group examiners Jim, Andrew Bright and Willie Wills, previously and successively were in charge of Driver and Rider Training at the College. Our more recent examiners Colin Shillito and Graham Conner have both been motorcycle instructors’ at the College. This in turn does mean that they set a rather high standard. This in itself is no bad thing. It makes the observers work harder preparing the associate, the associate work harder preparing for the test. A successful associate well deserves the pass certificate. Especially a F1rst.They should now be very proud of their achievement. As I have always been very proud of the high standard of observing provided by our great team of observers.

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