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2000 - The New Millenium

Well, here we are at the very start of the new millenium. We published Twistgrip number 57

As you can see, year this was the very zenith of graphics design!

You can find all of the year 2000 Twistgrips in the Historic Issues section of the Twistgrip archive.

There was talk of the Millenium bug not comming to much. (though I can assure you as someone who worked in Technology for a bank over that period, we spent about 3 years and hundreds of millions making sure that there wasnt a problem...)

In January, Jeff was talking about the potential for a club European Trip, hmm, something that we might think about ourselves soon I think.

With 20 riders passing the course the year before, the team were looking for more success in the new year.

The NEC Bike Show was mentioned, with the new GSXR-750 being launched as well ast the Bandit 600.

It was around that time that I last rode a GSXR, but I don't think my legs bend that far back any more

The winners of the Laidlaw Trophy 1999 were announced in February, with Gordon Low winning the award with Kevin Stewart winnig the Associate Trophy.

For those of you who drive in Edinburgh, it's sad, but perhaps unsurprising that the March edition leads with an article on the poor state of the roads in the town!

It follows on with a Eurpoean Car Free Day proposal for September, though I'm not sure if that happened or not. Not something I remember myself.

An interesting article on the reduction in Drink Driving too. There has definetly been an attitude change over my lifetime to how dangerous drink driving is. Long may it continue.

May brings a really good article on the history of the club, giving a bit of background of the group as a whole. That and a day at knockhill being organised, whats not to like.

July Brings us a good technical question, with an answer proised in the next magazine. And an article on the C1 enclosed scooter. I can't find any on Autotrader today, and only 1 very tatty example on ebay. Though I do quite fancy a CE04...

There's news of new Welsh state-of-the-art laser speed cameras being installed. How things change...

Things are a bit more somber in August as the chairman remembers Mark Owen, one of our own, who sadly died in a motorcycle accident. He was 38.

There's also a piece on not talking on the phone while you drive, yes, even in 2000, we had mobile phones. they were big ones mind...

And a few runs were announced. (remember, not everyone had email then!) They did sound good though, something we might look at repeating.

In September, the launch of the first EDAM website was announced. Things have progressed a little since then, with a few makeovers and new authors, but it's fundimentally there for the same reason, to give all of our members a place to go to get information about the club. Mark Owen, mentioned in the previous paragraph, was instrumental in the original design and build of the site.

Jim Gibson gives a good recound of his adventures in Spain and more events and runs are announced.

In the October edition, with no hint of any knowledge of security protocols, the membership password is printed in large letters on page 4. 😂More adventures recounted, this month its Italy with Jim Gibson.

Hmm, too many people going on nice trips abroad. Thoughts for next year perhaps!

there is also a great article on what insurance companies are looking for from an accident investigation. You may not be surprised that they do not always have your best interest at heart. But a good learning point for associates.

November answers the questions in last months edition and mentions the associates who have passed so far this year. All that and stories from the trips.

Issue number 68 is the last edition of the year and the christmas meal is mentioned (everyone likes a good meal) and an article of the Life as an Associate by Fiona MacDonald. Anouncement of a First Aid course and Yet another European Trip that I've not been on...

Sounds like a good year.

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